02 April 2012


"... The whole body anaesthesia may cause stroke, heart attack, and she may go into shock. In her state of health, there is a high risk..." the anaesthetist explained.

"What is the probability?" My mind raced with images of mum lying there connected to a life support machine. I could hear the beeping sound of her life... I could see mum lying there unconscious, all life draining from her body... Fear, such fears!

"Five percent."

Whatever the probability, we must proceed, for it is mum's wish. There is a line handwritten by the surgeon himself "If the blockage is too severe, there is the likelihood the bypass cannot be proceeded with". That line sent fear up my spine, and for a while after reading that I felt such dread, such terrible dread... What if the surgery fails? What then?

It is mum's wish to put her life ad condition in the hands of the doctors. Buy I have to sign the consent forms. Again it feels like such a heavy, heavy responsibility.

May it be that I just signed a sentence to give mum a renewed chance at life again...

A life where she can eat again, drink again, and a chance to recover some of how lost health so she can live her days happy and free from too much pain and suffering...

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