11 June 2006

Who is that??

Who is that in the middle of the Atlantic reading my blog?
I'd like to think it's someone enjoying him/herself on the sunny Canaries...
but it might be someone shipwrecked and trying to SOS for help.

Whoever you are, please identify yourself! : P

Full moon

Been a really hot day, a big change from a couple of days ago when it was just 5C! Went out to buy some things and felt the sweltering sun. The big difference here is that the heat in Europe is dry, so it feels so much hotter than it actually is. My first thought was I need to buy some suntan lotion. I just go back from Asia, and really I've absorbed enough sunshine to last me a lifetime and I really don't feel like getting any tanner...

Worked a bit more on the paint job. I feel a bit unwell because of all the fumes I breathed in, and all the terpentine I dashed all over my body, hands and feet to get rid of the paint. It could be quite satisfying to do this kind of house renovation, but really it's hard work and I can't count the number of bruises and cuts I have on my hands. And because of the corrosive paint and other chemicals my hands have really become rough...which I don't like. In this kind of weather after working for a couple of hours, you know a shower is due!

Been feeling somewhat stuffy lately, and with the temperature I feel more and more like I'm living in an oven, baking with troubled thoughts and bottled up emotions. Problem is there's not really anyone in 'real' life I could talk to, no one in my life at the moment who's close enough and to whom I feel comfortable talking to. Which is a shame, because I like 'deep' personal conversations, even if they don't get you anywhere.

Went to wander around in the forest again, and felt lonely again. Now and then people would pass by, but really the chances of you striking up a conversation and pouring your heart out are slim. Besides, they were mostly old(er) people...so no potential there. I think I've been obsessed with trying to find love, or at least someone to talk to and relate to, and it's becoming frustrating.

So I guess I was relieved that my friend in France callled and asked me to visit. She's the one who I stayed with almost a month while she was heavily pregnant (and depressed). Now the baby's out, and they're both happy and healthy.

And I've become 'Uncle David'.

UPDATE 14 juni 2006
I qasked them to stop calling me uncle...and to call me bother David...makes me feel a whole lot younger:

AH I hate this French keyboard:1

Hm, potential gay couple

I'm not a voyeur and I don't tend to look into other people's bedrooms, but....

I was just glancing out of my balcony and saw two guys on their balcony just opposite my room.

They were hanging clothes out to dry, all of which I noticed were men's clothes.
Also they were really intimate, and at times playing with one another. One moment one sort of leaned over the balcony, and the other stood behind him and sort of semi-hugged the one leaning over the baclony.

(Click for details why I think the couple is gay)

Hmmmm... could be interesting. Posted by Picasa