24 June 2012


Feel so much like (excuse the language...) death. I came home to take a nap, and it turned into a three hour sleep beset by dreams and images.

There were many scenes. In one, I saw lying in bed very fearfully and telling me that she saw dog- and cat-headed human beings come to get her. These persons with animal heads are in local mythology guardians of the underworld. On occasion, on the brink of death, the one who is about to leave this world can see these creatures. Are they real or imaginary, who knows. But in the dream, mum saw them...

The nurse told me once when the patient sees something frightening, to reassure the patient that those things are mere illusions, and that we are by her side. So in the dream that is what we (brother and I) did...

Even so, in the dream I felt such uncontrollably tears and sadness I have not yet felt before... I saw myself crying, crying so terribly heavily by mum's side; something I had tried and tried to avoid till now.

What is wrong with me that I have been beset by dreams these couple of days...?

Something is going to happen soon. I can sense it.

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