29 June 2012

The morning after

I sudden woke up, barely three hours after I lay down to sleep. I did not dream, I don't think, but just slept all the way through. I am still very tired, but my mind refuses to rest anymore.

Almost twelve hours after mum passed away. Memories are still fresh in my head. Memories of those final moments, and of the whole day yesterday. It seemed like such a long time ago, maybe because of the lack of sleep, and I am afraid if I don't sit down and write things down, they will escape me...

It's strange to open my inbox and see emails from two friends who wrote to check up on me and wish my luck, little knowing that in the time that they wrote and I read their emails, so much has already taken place... I have already begun the process of writing to friends. Friends in so many places, to whom I am forever indebted for their support and encouragements over the past few years...

Slowly, we have to start picking up the pieces and plan the funeral. Local traditions and customs play a large part in the mourning process, and very soon the priest mum wanted to organise the funeral will come and start making an altar dedicated to mum('s spirit).

A busy time of organising and taking care of mum's affairs is about to begin...

I wish I had a fresh body and mind to face it all.

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