28 June 2012

Keeping up appearances

In front of people, it is easy to say that things are alright. Are you going to tell them otherwise? Are you really going to tell them the extent of sadness and pain you feel deep inside at times?

A friend of mine who lost her mother last year wrote to me before about the emptiness and pain. Nobody, really nobody can understand fully what the pain feels like. It's so strong, so difficult to imagine if you are not the one having to deal with loss. Weeks, months, years after the loss, the loss is still felt. Maybe wounds may heal with time, but the emptiness will always remain. People are going to stop caring, people are going to start wondering why after a long while you still mourned are sad. Because they do not know how it feels like. They cannot possibly imagine the extent of the bond and the degree of loss...

My friend wrote me again, and I find a lot of wisdom in her words. True, there is pain and it is inconsolable. People wonder why you are hurting still, why
You cannot really move on even with the passage of time. But often the memories and images are so fresh, so raw and feel so real still it's hard to let them go...

I know now what that feels like. I now understand the meaning behind her words, behind her warnings...

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