30 March 2012

Return to Lake Louise

I've had the great fortune of traveling to many places around the world with mum and collected many a memories of our times together. Perhaps it's ridiculous (or just rare) that someone my age would still even until last year want to travel with his parent. But ever since mum's illness five, six years I've thought of traveling with her as a way to give mum joy and happiness and indulging in her greatest passion (besides the stock market...)

One trip, one moment stands out most, and that is to Lake Louise, Alberta. I was just sitting there and thinking, and suddenly it came to me. I want to return there again after mum is gone. Is it strange? Is it going to be emotional and make me break down? I don't know. But I suddenly had this urge to go there, to relive the memories of paddling on the blue, blue lake again, even though next time it won't be with mum, I know that. I closed my eyes and saw myself back there, saw myself sitting on the shore and not alone. Someone is next to me, holding me, making me smile as I recount fond memories of my time with mum. I can in fact picture his face now...

Is it strange to dream of returning to a place where mum and I made such beautiful memories? Somehow if i just think and dream about it, I find it will be, at least for now, strangely comforting and therapeutic.

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