26 March 2012

Little rabbit is ill

My nephew is ill, I believe for the first time in his life, as far as I know. On facebook, my sister-in-law posted a picture of him asleep, with the caption that he's been having a runny nose and trouble sleeping.

From the picture he looked very tired, a contrast from the very active, and ape times loud!, baby I've grown to love having around.

I hope it's a small cols, and that his little body will fight it off soon. it's sad to hear that he's unwell. And now mum won't get to see her grandchild as planned this week, even though he's leaving the country in a few days (that is still pending on mum's condition...).

They will most likely, as I spoke with my brother, be back very soon, probably the middle of April or so. But if mum's condition continues to deteriorate, I may have to keep my sister-in-law and nephew here and call my brother back ASAP...

Get well soon, my dear little rabbit!

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