20 June 2012


I heard some noise and approached mum. I reached her bedside just in time to see her gag. Quickly I scrambled for a plastic bag, and she vomited white mouthfuls of Ensure, the drink that is supposed to contain all necessary nutrients. I gagged too, just a natural reflex. Having just downed a cup of soy drink did not help the nausea and feeling like I want to vomit...

I was in a rush to head out. The monk is definitely coming and I had to be at the main station in half an hour or so. Mum suddenly requested that she would like to have some steamed barley rice, available only at vegetarian food outlets. I had no time to go look for it and bring it back for mum.

As Brother was on his way to the hospital, I decided to call him and ask if he could buy some. He got angry at my request, as if it were such a burden to buy something for mum. I know it's last minute, I know he's busy on his way to have breakfast and has to take care of a child. But this is a request from mum, and he is on his way to the hospital anyway. Irritated, he passed the phone to his wife. I had to explain mum's request again.

I rushed to the station. We are out of fresh fruits, and i was tempted to call back and ask for fruits. But given the reaction I got, I decided to go get them myself. I know best what mum likes, so I got her some picked peaches, pineapples and kiwis. Breakfast I had on the go, a piece of bread and drink I devoured and downed in the four minutes walk to the metro.

On my way to meet the monk...

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