15 June 2012



I was unsure how mum would react to seeing pictures from the past. I was showing her professional pictures from my graduation, and one thing led to another, I began showing her photos from her trips...

Mum looked at them while chewing on a slice of whole grain bread and sipping her favourite hot almond tea drink. She smiled, and I smiled too seeing her smile. She asked now and then where the places were, and I filled her in.

The nurses came in, and later so did the doctor. I was sitting on mum's bed, and had one arm around her head. With one hand I stroked her hand. She smiled, and seemed to be enjoying the pictures.

"Where are all these places?" the nurse asked.

"Places she's been to! She's been to so many places!" I answered.

Appearing and disappearing on and off the screen were pictures of places far away, pictures from times long past. Ad yet, for those few seconds when we see the pictures, we are transported to a time and place that is beautiful and memorable, happy and associated with so many different sights and sounds that resurface again triggered by the captured moment in time.

I hope mum feels comforted and at ease when she reviews all these places, and reminds herself again and again that her life has been fully lived, and that her life is really beautiful.

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