29 February 2012


Sometimes you need to prepare for the possibilities, otherwise life will catch you offguard. Or in this case, death may catch you offguard.

"Did you already sign the DNR form?" I asked. DNR. Do not Resuscitate. If we should come to a situation where the heart stops beating or should mum stop breathing, it is mum's wish not to have any attempts to be brought back to life. I remember it was I who looked into this sometime ago. And I printed out the forms for mum to fill in and sign. But I never really found out whether she did sign them or send them in to be processed.

The DNR option is not giving up on life, for she has already been fighting for life for so many years already. It's just when you reach a certain stage in life, close to death, when your breathing and heartbeat and vital signs are all fading, what is the point of being resuscitated? It would not be being brought back to life, the ordinary meaning of the word "to resuscitate"; it would be brought back to suffering and waiting to die.

"Yes, I signed it..." mum said weakly.

At least for one eventuality mum and I are prepared.

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