03 March 2012

I miss him so...

It's been a long, long time since I last saw him or spoke to him. And truth be told, I do miss him very much, more than I like to admit...

Almost daily, I look at his picture and smile. His face, his eyes, his body reminds me so much of our moments together, of the way I held him, touched him and stroked him...

I must admit, for a long time, I didn't really think much of him, even when people kept on telling me how special he is. But it took me time to realise how much joy and warmth he brings to my life, to realise how, despite own brief-lasting moments of intimacy together, he has grown in in importance in my life. I look at his picture, and all I have to do is close my eyes and remember the happy moments we spent together, and my heart races with joy and excitement.

I yearn to see his smile, yearn to smell his scent, to feel the warmth of his body as he lies next to me... I would like to see him everyday, to talk to him, but I can't. I don't know how. Who am I to him really, who am I to him in this great big world? But he showed me a whole meaning of what love means. He brought me so much joy, such much innocent joy that I seemed to have forgotten.

When can I see him again? When can I hold him close and breathe in deep and let his scent fill my nostril and senses? I look forward to the day when I can kiss his cheeks, and dig my head snugly into his belly as he plays with my face, plays with on the strands of my hair. I look forward to the day when he can lie next to me, look me so intensely in the eyes and when we can fall asleep together.

 I miss you so...

I truly do miss you, Little Rabbit!

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