28 February 2012

Meeting a friend

I finished my appointment at the hospital, and remembered I have a friend who lives close by in this quarter of the city. So I called her up, and she was more than happy to meet me.

She and I actually met during our studies in Montreal, and she's like an older sister to me, always willing to listen, always willing to give me sound advice and reassure me I'm doing alright. Her mum also had cancer, and my friend went through a similar situation I am facing now.

We sat down to dinner, a simple congee, as I just finished my one day fast in preparation for the colonoscopy, and therefore cannot eat anything too heavy. We exchanged lives, but much of the conversation was on me and how my mum has been doing.

Like always, she listened patiently and attentively, and nodded whenever what I described was a reflection of what she experienced earlier in her life with her mum. At times, I'm afraid to go too much into detail or talk too much, because I'm afraid it'll bring up sad memories that she would rather not remember. But my friend's reassuring look told me to go on, for she is listening.

"What makes me so sad and worry is seeing mum not move an just sit there..." I said, "I know, no, I can imagine that she is in a lot of pain, but sitting there and not moving is bad for her..."

Mum friend agreed. Her mum, in the final stage of her illness said "no" to everything. "Do you want to go abroad and travel?" No. "Do you want to go to the hot spring?" No. "Do you want to take this medicine?" No. No. No was the answer to everything.

Will mum also descend to such a level and refuse to do anything...?

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