20 November 2011


The evening I spent with two friends who recently became an item. It was fun catching up, as I've not seen one friend since he moved away around a month ago. We were just chatting, sharing stories from our lives and laughing.

It was nice to see them together, and I know for my friend it's especially special because it's his first real relationship. It's hard, because of the uncertainties surrounding their getting together and because they now live in different countries. But there seems to be this beautiful spark between them, in the way they interact with one another, in the way they are close and intimate, even in front of others.

I told them, together and separately, how I'm happy they found one another. I look at them give each other kisses, head-buts, holding hands on the table. It's so romantic, so very cute. And I admitted to them I was jealous of what they have.

"Your time will come," my friend said and placed his hand on my shoulder, "You of all people I know deserve that special someone..."

I was touched.

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