20 November 2011


It's bizarre how life works sometimes, and sometimes you don't ask why or how.

I somehow managed to get invited to  dimsum with my ex and (deep breath, and brace for it...) the ex-in laws of my ex. The ex of my ex was not present.

They had a bad break up, and ended with somewhat sour  feelings. In comparison, the break up between my ex and I, as complicated as it was (or still is...), seems tame.

Ever since I met my ex, he had told me what kind of very demanding, self-centred and at times out right insane person his ex was. A successful doctor who makes a lot now, but would rather spend money on holidays and (plans on) buying a fancy car instead of providing more care and support for his aged parents, one of whom is almost blind and barely mobile.

I sort of knew it would be trouble, but never expected how much.

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