20 November 2011


Mum said she threw up yesterday. Twice, no less.

A friend of hers, eager to introduce to her a dietary supplement that is supposed to suppress the growth of cancer cells, gave her two bottles of red raspberry extracts. Mum was told to take some twice a day, and apparent someone managed to get rid of the cancer completely after taking the supplement.

At first mum was alright, but come afternoon, she said she felt more and more unwell. Bloated she said she felt, and she just had to throw up. It was much better when all that she ate came out, but that meant also just two days after her latest chemotherapy, vital nutrients were wasted. And given how little she seems to eat now, she may be losing weight as a result... It was very disheartening to hear that.

Mum mentioned that when she was here in Canada, I fed her a lot of raspberries (and all sorts of other berries). She still remembers that, and said that with fond memories. It was quiet a scare, mum said, and her friend was terribly apologetic. She really did mean well, and wanted to introduce to mum something that would improve her condition. Many people have tried to show mum what she should take, but not everything is suitable. It's true raspberries contain a lot of antioxidants, but that doesn't mean every kind of supplement is  a 'miracle' cure.

And again, second day in a row she spoke of her wish to travel. Seeing my nephew, seeing how beautiful and cute he is just tempts her to just pack and leave all the treatments and hospital visits behind. But she knows she can't just do that. "I can't just stop the treatment again, like I did last time," she said, recalling when she stopped her chemotherapy to travel with me to Canada earlier this Summer. "I really need to rest after the treatment is completely over to allow the body to recuperate..."
Maybe... maybe I pushed her too hard, and was too eager to take her traveling back then... Maybe that's why she has to go back to her treatment again...

"I really wish I could travel," she said, "But I don't know when I can..."

I don't know either. But I sure do hope soon. Soon, soon...

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