22 November 2011

Midnight visit

What am I doing? Eight minutes past midnight, waiting at the metro to go downtown. To go see my friend and try to cheer him up. We've just spent the last half an hour or so on the phone. He seemed so eager to want to talk, so eager to want to see me... I ask myself why, why he would like me to keep him company when he is "seeing someone". Isn't that someone whom he's seeing supposed to comfort him, hug him, give him all the love abd affection that transcends everything I, as a mere friend, could possibly give him? He said he has been feeling very down lately, and that he was under the impression that I'd go see him and spend some time with him tonight, even though I really wanted to finish off the two missing parts of my thesis. But seeing him down, I could not bear it. Even though i question myself why im rushing to his place so latr at night. I've done things for friends before, and he is more than just a friend. Besides, not that I'm trying to 'return the favour' but in the past he has so often just got dressed and showed up at my door unannounced when he senses (or reads on my blog) that I'm down or sad.

Tonight, it's just about two people who mean a lot to one another. It's just about one person going to see another because the other is down. It's just about two friends and the happiness and joy and laughter that can be shares when they are together.

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