01 June 2012

Going to the market

I called mum and she was on her way to the market. For a bit of fresh air, but also to see what there is to buy. The new carer, as kind and patient as she is, does not really know what to buy or cook.

"Can you stand and walk nowadays?" I asked.

"It's hard. I can't stand stably. I have very little strength..."

I can just imagine her so weak and slumped in her wheelchair.

"Don't come back here," she suddenly said, "Stay for a while, there's no place to stay as the house is very crowded." she told me to go back only at the end of the month. "When brother is gone..."
I don't think mum has any idea that brother is staying on till... I don't think she knows how afraid he is to leave mum's side.

"It's such a big burden for him to be here and not working..."

"Don't think too much, mama. Don't think too much. There is no burden."

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