10 April 2012


Last night, mum called me and I got up, but not in time. When I reached her, she could not hold it in any more, and she excreted in her pants.

Mum was very embarrassed, and I felt so bad. It was really within a matter of half a minute, which was really not enough to get mum out of bed and into the washroom... I drew the curtain and gave mum some wet wipes to clean herself up while I quickly went to get a clean hospital gown.

Mum has been pooing for three days now, which is a good sign that her bowels are connected and things are passing through. But as she has not resumed eating, most of what comes out is fluid stomach liquid. And sometimes, I guess like in the case of bad diarrhoea you cannot really predict, let alone control, the... flow.

So the carer suggested to get some diapers, at least for the night time when she (or I!) cannot get to the washroom quick enough.

I tried it on, and it felt so strange. It's not that mum's become incontinent, but still, it's strange to know that she'll be wearing diapers, something I associate with patients who have really lost their mobility and senses.

I fiddled with the diaper around my legs. I know it's ridiculous and silly "Back to being a baby again? You miss those days?" mum joked. At least I got the effect I wanted, and that was to make mum laugh.

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