08 June 2013

Dream: family

Two dreams rolled into one night. The first was at a seminar of sorts, where two ladies came to give a presentation on the new plane that I'm about to fly on... Lots of question and answers, and I asked a question that stunned and silenced the room. A question whether  the lithium batteries that caught fire and grounded the new plane for months will be safe... 

Second dream. My whole  family sitting around the dining table in the Netherlands. Mum, dad, both smiling and happy... There was suddenly gunshots. I ran to the window and saw a pool of blood across the street, in the apartment building opposite ours. Dad was curious and went to see the scene. The perpetrator, a fat man saw dad. He started shooting again. He ran to our front door and starting banging. He knocked down the door. I grabbed something to knock him while I dialed 112 (the local equivalent of 911...) The man entered the living room. He was about to shoot his gun... 

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