06 January 2013



It was all so real, and again so torturous for my mind that I shook awake...

I saw mum, on the back of the motorcycle I was riding. I took her around town, Rodin carefully from place to place, riding very slowly so she wouldn't fall off. I did used to do that with her, often in the weekend, taking her for a spin and breath of fresh air. But in the dream, she sat in the back, grabbed onto my body tightly and said nothing. I felt tense, felt responsible for her safety, and all around us were so much traffic and so many people...

Then dad appeared in another dream. He was getting ready for bed, and I was lying down on the floor next to him. He asked me how I was doing, asked me why I looked so sad and upset... I ran out of the room, crying...

Suddenly, my ex's father appeared out of nowhere. (He is such a lovely man in real life, and both the father and mother seem to care and ask about me a lot...) He questioned me on what is going on between my ex and me. I felt so uncomfortable, but he kept on asking for an explanation, insisting I tell him so he can understand and try to do something... I felt so desperate and trapped, for who was I to tell his parents about complications between their son and me..?

What a way to start the day...

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