03 May 2012


All I asked him to do is go to the market, buy some Longevity Noodles and cook some for mum for her birthday. It takes a total of half an hour or so.

"I have a kid to take care of!"

I asked him why it's so much effort, why he's making an issue out of something so small. It's not even a favour for me. It's a surprise for mum's (lunar calendar) birthday. Isn't it rare and so special that we happen to be here, all of us? And what effort does it take to make a little trip to the market and to wait five minutes for the noodles to boil?

Apparently it's too much trouble.

"I'll do it myself..." I said. Even though I was still outside, in another town and paying respects to dad... I guess if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

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