01 May 2012



"How long? How long can you sit like that?" I asked, referring to sitting cross legged.

My cousin, the one who lost his dad recently sat in front of me and showed me how he began to sit cross legged after his dad passed away. It's a Buddhist meditation posture, one I often take when I'm sitting down.

In the dream, I found myself sitting in the living room of their home. The decor was as I remember it, a bog room, with calligraphy writings on the wall, and an L shapes settee set made of bamboo in the centre of the living room. We would always gather there and chat for hours and hours.

In the dream, I was having dinner, some kind of soupy stew with lots of cabbage and rice. I was eating all by myself. I saw a glimpse of my uncle, who quickly walked by but did not say anything. Then my cousin came down and sit opposite me, and started to show me how he could sit by folding his legs together.

My cousin looked collected, not sad. But I could not tell whether he was hiding his emotions...

"How long can you do it? How long...?" I heard myself saying put loud, in real life.

It was then that I woke up...

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