03 September 2011

First step to becoming a lawyer

I started studying, the first time in a long, long time. Studying for an exam I'm going to sit in a little over three weeks' time. It'll be my first exam in Canadian law, and it'll mark the beginning of getting qualified to practice law in Canada.

I want to qualify as a lawyer. It is a promise to myself, and a promise to my parents (yes, to mum, and dad too) that I will one day become a lawyer. I don't need to be a big-shot corporate lawyer. I want to work with the law to help people, to make a little difference in this world. Even if that difference is in the world of one person, that is enough. That is my ambition. That is my dream. That is what I will achieve one day, I know it.

I've been just reading the recommended text books for the last two days. A slow start, reading and taking notes, and progressing at twenty pages or less an hour. The five hundred or so pages will take me a long while to cover, and this will be the start of perhaps days and nights of studying in the period to come.

I'm not really sure what to except, but there are reading lists and core readings that have to be covered. This is the first time I'm going to sit an exam where I'm preparing by my self, and will not have attended any classes. I'm not too sure whether that will hurt or benefit me, but at least all that I need is to get enough score for a "pass" (it's either a pass or fail, doesn't matter what score).

I'm wishing myself good luck... I may just need it.

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