10 August 2013

Dream of mum and dad

Such a horrible, horrible dream. I dreamt I was home (my own home...) and was trying to do some studying. Suddenly emotions rose from nowhere and I began to sob...

The sobbing and crying continued endlessly. I could not stop crying. There were all these people around I know, relatives, some acquaintances, and they were all lost as what to so. I cried so loud and so hard they gathered around me but could do nothing...

Images of mum and dad surfaced one by one. I missed them terribly. Terribly, terribly... I saw myself holding onto their hands and bodies as they slowly stopped breathing... I saw myself rubbing my face against theirs... I saw myself whispering soft words into their ears trying to placate them at that final moment of life before life escaped  their bodies... I heard that death rasping sound coming from the backs of their throats... I heard death, saw death coming, and was inconsolable...

I broke down and collapsed onto the ground crying. So intense were the emotions. So powerful and overwhelming. The tears were endless, the sounds of pain and mourning coming out of me harrowing and haunting...

I felt myself crying as I stirred from the sleep... 

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