14 May 2012

Terrible restlessness

So horribly agitated. Had reserved this morning for revision before I board the flight to Vancouver to take the exam. But as soon as I spoke to brother, my mind wandered off. Who has the concentration to read about procedural fairness and judicial review? Who has the mind to think of court cases and exceeding jurisdiction when my mum is in hospital?

The last conversation with brother was brief. The phone cut out a little, but I heard something about an elevated pancreas index. Not sure what that means, but if it's six times the normal level, it cannot be good. It's probably life threatening. It's all related to the blockage in the duodenum, to the tumour that is there. I know it.

I can picture mum lying there in the ER, so thin, so frail, and again having to undergo another series of tests and scans... how depressed and saddened she must feel after spending so long at the hospital to have to return again...

Will decide moment by moment what to do. Am packing my large suitcase and taking the keys for the house in Taiwan just in case. I am so agitated and not sure what to do...

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