02 February 2012

pushing too much?

Do I really care and want the best for my mum? Am I pushing mum too much and telling her what's best for her? Am I running her life for her as I see it should be lived? How is it that I cannot shake away the idea that I seem to be deciding things for her, from her upcoming treatment (with her consultation and consent over the phone before I signed the agreement to proceed...) to whether or not to proceed with further treatment, and now her decision whether to move to a whole new city...? How much responsibility must I shoulder should everything become horribly awry? Will I he able to live with myself and live with the consequences of making her choose?

I mean her well, I really do. Of course, I cannot hide the fact that if she is in the new city where there are a lot more people who are relatives and more than just acquaintances, that would take a lot of burden off of my shoulders. But that does not mean I will shrug off all my responsibilities and just leave my mum to the care of others. I mean well, and I just hope in this final stage of her life, she can live and enjoy it in a secure and comfortable environment, in the proximity of people she knows, people she is comfortable with, people who cab offer various kinds of support and guidance, assurance and comfort. I think she will have a better chance of finding that in Taichung, the prospective new city. As she told me today, "Taipei is a cold (冷漠)place..."

Her words, not mine.

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