17 October 2011

Just let it go...

"I sometimes wonder: is it worth it?"

Almost immediately, and resolutely "No."

"It's not?" I was still insure, but deep down, it was the answer I expected, because deep down, I think I knew the answer already. In a way, I was simply looking for a confirmation, especially from someone whose opinion I respect, whose life experiences and wisdom I hold in high esteem.

"Nothing is worth it if it causes you much suffering." Life is complicated enough as it is, with so much suffering. Why add on to that? Why not simplify life and your emotional state of mind? The monk told me about the parable of a man who went to see the Buddha. He had hot, burning coal in his hand, and was obviously hurting, and he went to seek advice.

"You know you are already suffering, but you still cling on, you still let the coal burn and hurt you. Just let it go! Be wise and determined, don't cling on and attach. Just let it go!"

And once more, I am even more determined to let go and to move on.

I love him
But every day I'm learning
 All my life I've only been pretending
Without me  
His world would go on turning  
A world that's full of happiness
That I have never known
I love him  
I love him  
I love him
But only on my own

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