17 October 2011

Be patient

Be patient with yourself, with the circumstances you cannot change, with the conditions of the world as they are now, right now.

Things are just the way they are, people are just the way they are. Your feelings and reactions are just the way they are.

Why get frustrated that things seem not to move forward? Why get angry at a situation you cannot improve on, however much you would like to? Why become so caught up wanting to free yourself from this 'mess' or 'trouble' you feel you are caught up in but cannot escape from?

You are only a prisoner of your own mind, only trapped in the world of your mind's creation. If you imagine a way out, if you just step out, if you want to be free, you will be free.

Being patient means not having expectations or disappointments, not willing things to always go as your heart desires. Being patient means being at ease with yourself and being at ease with where you find yourself, whomever you are with.

Be patient and realise that all negative feelings will pass if you do not let the feelings feed and surface. Anger, frustration, fear, desire... They do not help anyone. Worse than that, this mental imbalance, this negativity harms you and those around you.

And like all things, like all phenomenon, the feelings, good or bad, will all disappear, or at least wane, if only you are patient and give it time. Watch them come, watch them go, and watch and enjoy the moment of relative calm and ease the mind experiences once negative feelings have gone.

You cannot rush time, and you cannot change circumstances or people. You can only accept them and deal with them with wisdom, patience and compassion.

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