18 October 2011

Cute little second cousin

I played with her, tickled her, made her laugh and jump around me.  My cousin's daughter is three, and such a cute little girl. Happy, jumpy, smiley and free. As soon as she saw me, she stayed around me. Shy at first, she observed me a little, and as if she recognised who I was, she warmed up quickly, and soon we seem to have become best of friends.

Everytime I see her, she grows more active and cuter. Big beady eyes, short soft hair, dimples and laughter that can easily make you smile after a long day. I remember when she was still a little baby, I slept with her one night, and that night she woke up many times crying, wanting milk or her nappies changed.

Now, she bounced around my feet, pushed and played with the pram she used to sit in (which now belongs to her two month old baby brother!), and jumps up and down screaming she wants to be hugged. And at dinner, she wanted me to feed her, even though her parents were both right there.

 When I lift her up, she burst out in laughter, swings her arms around freely when I throw her lightly into the air. She likes to play head-butting, how I  love it when she uses her little fingers and little hand to touch my face, touch my cheeks and play with the rim of my glasses.

At one point I closed my eyes, held her close, gave her a sniff and dreamed that she was mine. My little girl, my little angel.... How I would protect her, cherish her and love her. How I would give her everything in te world, how I would care for her and nurture her so dearly... Maybe one day that day will come when I could hold my own child close, feel its warmth, listen to its cries and laughter, and give it unconditional, boundless love and affection... Maybe one day I would have someone next to me, with whom I could grow old together and raise a family. This wish, perhaps with age, perhaps with each day closer to the day I lose my mother, is growing stronger and more intense...

"You have to be nice to your brother," I told her at one point, "Play with him, and take care of him..." I spoke from experience, from being a younger brother who, growing up, so yearned for an older sibling who would take care of me, protect me and not hurt me. She looked at me and smiled and she nodded. I rubbed her head gently, and I hoped she understood.

At the door, I said "See you again soon," I said quietly as I waved goodbye.

She unexpectedly kissed me on the cheeks. I was surprised, but the kiss made me smile warmly.

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