01 August 2011

Ghost Month

It's that time of the year again. When the Gates of Hell open, and when the ghosts and spirits of our ancestors come out to 'play'.

Speaking to mum today, she said dad appeared in her dream last night. Only when she checked the date in the morning did she realise that today was the first day of the "Seventh Month". It had been a long time since she last dreamed of dad. Though details are vague, as she could not remember them, she said she spoke to dad as if she were sitting right next to him. Dad asked about how we were doing, and mum replied that we were doing well. "The children are well," she said-- something she can attest to after visiting me and now staying with my brother.

Is it true, pure superstition or complete nonsense... I do not know. But hearing mum talk of dad reminded me again how long it has been since I lost him. I tried to picture his face, picture his figure and how dad looked like in the dream while he was conversing with mum. Whether he 'appeared' or not does not really matter... It left an impression on mum, perhaps even made me nostalgic and left her full of longing. It left an impression on me, even though I only heard about it.

The dream seems to say that he still cares deeply about our wellbeing, and that is something extremely moving and personal... something, as I am recounting and writing about now, moistens my eyes...

Yes, dad, we are doing fine...  Brother is having a son soon, and he is now settled with his wife... Mum is alright, despite the aches that are returning to bother her, despite the loneliness she may feel... And I am relatively well... I may be confused, I may be emotionally troubled, but I am healthy, and I am trying my best to finish off my studies and begin my life... Yes, dad, we are doing fine.

From my heart, I really hope you are fine too... Please take good care...

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