06 January 2011


Life changes, and plans change with it. Change, uncertainty, unpredictability. We have to just change with change, otherwise we’ll forever torment ourselves with things not going according to plan, not according to our wishes.

It seems like every day there is change, most things we don't notice, but some things, and sometimes, it frustrates us. Change in the weather, change in the schedule, change in the body, change in the mind. With mum's health, it's change in the date of the next test, change in the date of the next chemo session… With the approaching dates of my friend’s arrival next week, I feel kind of torn between wanting to be there for mum, and wanting to make sure my friend (and I) have a good time together.

He has been exceptionally patient and understanding. Once he said doesn’t matter where we are, or where we go, for the point is to spend time together. Everything else is not so important if you enjoy the moment, and enjoy one another’s company. Having and enjoying good humour and good companionship makes even the most tedious of places or situations seem fun!

I’ve planned trips away, but these trips and dates of these trips keep on changing, because my mum’s hospital appointments keep on changing. It’s not ideal, but what can I do but adapt and change plans accordingly? Really, I could begin to feel frustrated, feel upset that things may have to be cancelled or postponed, but what can I do? If I were a perfectionist, if I want everything to happen like I want to, then it is only going to cause me unnecessary stress and maybe even create tension. That’s no fun for anyone.

Just go with the flow… let things be, and live life accordingly.

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