01 June 2006

A sun is born

A sun was born yesterday, weighing 3700grams.

He greeted the world with such an air of calm and peace, and seemed to take away all the doubts and anxieties around him. This is the moment so many have been waiting for, praying for.

May you grow up as an individual, free and happy.
May you see the world with open eyes and embrace it in your arms.
May you cherish the ones around you who have been there and will continue to nurture and love you.
May you love and be loved in return.

There will be times when you will face difficulties in the path you travel,
May you overcome them with an open mind.
There will be times when you will face sadness and tears,
May you realise that they like all else are impermanent.
May you live a life of happiness, health and peace,
And may you forever shine and bring light to others and to yourself.

Welcome to the world, Sunny.

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