03 June 2006

Jihad-blogger sentenced

Being gay in the Netherlands has just gotten a little safer.

A nut case. ErTaN, a Muslim blogger also known as the ‘jihad-blogger’, has just been sentenced by the Public Prosecutor to 180hours of community service for inciting hatred and violence.

[...]There are two reasons why he was sentenced, for the first you can go to my main blog.

The other reason for his sentence was his incitement of hatred and violence towards homosexuals, and a pro-gay rights politician. In one he wrote:

”As soon as the Islamic law is effective in the Netherlands I shall be the first to push every protesting gay, with head down, off of the Westertoren [church in Amsterdam, close to the Homo-monument]. The Parliamentarian Borris D.[Dietrich] of D66 makes thereby a good chance to be allowed first. The stoning thereafter I shall gladly leave to others, because I shall have to concentrate on the suitable conclusion of this festive event, namely the blowing up of the Homo-monument, completely just like the Buddha-statutes in Afghanistan.”

Shocking, isn't it, what this stupid bigot is saying? In another about the Gay Pride of 2005, he called upon other Muslims to make it “an explosive party”. Thank goodness nothing happened during the parade.

This, in ErTaN’s defence, is supposed to be “humour” and part of his freedom of expression. COC, the biggest holebi organization in the Netherlands, says this sentence sends a “clear social signal” that “direct threats and incitement to violence and discrimination of homosexuals—as individuals and as a group—is punishable”.

This guy even had an anti-gay website (mohootjes.blogspot.com, for screenshot), with an excerpt out the Sunnah in the introduction:

"If you find any persons engaged in homosexuality, kill both the active and the passive partner."

The site has been taken offline because of hundreds of complaints, and his inflammatory comments even started a debate in Parliament.

Way to go~

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