15 October 2013


Just spoke to my sister-in-law (brother is at work...). She gave me the latest briefing on the Dutch cat Kitty. 

The bit of the belly around the hind legs is swollen. Not a tumour, as its soft and "liquidy" to the touch. The vet's initial diagnosis is that it's something related to the failure of the heart or her stomach, causing an accumulation of liquids. Nothing certain can be said till an X-ray or further tests. 

The vet did discuss with my brother the option of euthanasia. The condition will likely get worse, will deteriorate and the cat will feel increasing discomfort. She will be unable to eat or move and will become ever so thin. Euthanasia may be the most humane way. 

I cannot keep from crying...
I cannot dissociate this from mum's experience of stomach fluids accumulating and her inability to eat and her constant thinning till the moment she passed. And now my first cat. My first real pet love... 

It's so cruel life is throwing death and loss at me left and right... It's so cruel.

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