16 August 2013

A Word

It amazes me how a simple word can conjure so much meaning and memories and leave me stuttering and lost what to say.

A friend told me about how his sister is in hospital and underwent a surgery around her spine. I tried to be supportive and listen and tried to offer some words of sympathy... But just the spine and vivid images of the mum's spinal surgery two years or so ago incapacitated me, left me shaking a little and  dazed. Is this the effects of trauma, PTSD as they call it? Was it really all that traumatic? did i suffer more than anyone else? Not only that, scenes from that movie 50/50 also flashes across my mind.

I should get a grip of myself and reality. It's all in the past. Nothing is the same, this event is not the same as the one that happened two years ago... But the mind, the human mind is so weak, so susceptible to memories and feelings of pain and negativity... And at the same time, instead of the ability to emphasise or show compassion, the pain and suffering of others is displaced with the self-centred focus of one's own pain and suffering.

I hope and pray my friend's sister is alright and recovering. How difficult it must be for the parents to see her in pain and undergo surgery...

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