13 July 2013

One year on

One year on...

How am I doing? Still feeling so tired, so sleepy a lot of the time. (Not all the time, so that may be an improvement.) (... then again, the tiredness may be from the long bike ride last weekend, from which I'm still feeling muscle sores and cramps...) 

The other day, after a long day at work, I walked home. And for a split second felt "good". Or was that feeling "normal"? For a split moment, I actually felt and thought  I could do something with my life. I had motivation, had some kind of drive. Thought its still unclear what I would like to do, at least I felt I could get somewhere, be somebody. I don't remember the last time I felt this way, if ever I did...

I am getting stronger. Little by little stronger on my own. But, oh, how much easier it would be if someone could take me by the hand, lie next to me and tell me: "you are doing well. You are doing remarkably well..."

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