02 March 2013

Weekend in the wilderness.

Weekend in the wilderness.

It's been beautiful being out in the wilderness, being in tune with nature and surrounded by strangers. I signed up for this weekend get away, partly to immerse myself in a French speaking environment, partly to get out and force myself to meet new people, and hopefully make new friends. And a large part, to finally leave how to cross country ski and snowshoe. Four years in Canada, and I still don't know how to do these quietessential  Canadian activities, still don't fully appreciate winter for what it is.

We hiked around the forest and lake Tamaracousa for hours, learned how to build a "Quincy" and make shift teepee, and I huddled the whole evening around a fire a bunch of us built and maintained for hours. I felt so calm, so peaceful watching the fire burn and dance, crackle and jump. Again, I was swimming in this romantic mood i often get when I am outdoors. Somehow nature brings us home, brings us calm and brings us all closer together...

And I thought about the guy I met two days earlier. How is that possible? Why do I daydream about him, about seeing him again? I hardly know him, let alone what he feels and how he thinks. Maybe I'm just another fling and sex partner in the eyes of his youthful stage of discovery. But why did we kiss on the lips as we parted? Why did he tell me to let him know as soon as I'm back in Montreal?

 Does he feel something too? What is there, if anything, when we're separated by so many years? Age is just a number, he told me, and reminded me... But I feel it's something in the way, as much as I have grown fond of him within just days of meeting. I want to see him again, if possible as soon as I get back home tomorrow. But is that not too much? Is it not being too impatient and pushy? Perhaps it'll drive him away and make me look like such a desperate old fool...

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