03 February 2013

Bike tensions

It's a bike. The bike I bought last year for my birthday as I prepared for a round-the-island trip. Remember I biked some 130km or so till my knee began acting up? I had to stop and put the bike in the basement of my brother's mother-in-law's. I remember at the time I was called irresponsible for just leaving things here and there. But at the time I didn't know I could not go home to sort out my belongings due to a entry embargo.

I asked my brother the other day to help me get the bike to mum's place so that it can be shipped together with the all the cargo bound for Canada. He said it shouldn't be a problem, and I advised him to just get a transport company to send it to mum's place.

Today he called and sounded irate. He wants to transport the bike by car as he's planning to drive up. He wants to take the bike apart. Where is the instruction manual? Where is the protective bag? What do you mean you dont know where things are? It was six months ago! How much has happened since?
How do I do this? You know how much I have to take care of here?

I don't. I don't know how things are or how stressed he may be. Maybe it's really so much work... Taking care of the baby, wife, arranging for the house to be rented out, arranging for the goods at home to be picked up, arranging to clear out everything at home.... Maybe it's too much, and it doesn't help I'm not there to help.

I just told him to forget about it. I was close to crying. If its really so much hassle, I'll do it myself. I'll just haul it on the plane next time I go back. It'll be a lot o effort and painstaking, but it beats asking for help.

He hung up the phone. I swallowed my frustrations and anger, and my tears.

Great start to a Sunday morning...

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