31 August 2012


Sitting on the riverbank, absorbing the sun and the wind. I see mum, see her face, see her smile... I promised her once I would take her here, that I would show her the river and let her listen to the sounds of the rapids. I never managed to find the time. And I never will have the chance now...

Uninhibitedly, I started to cry again. As much as I long for a bit of human companionship right now, it is perhaps best I am alone.

Out here in nature, my tears can shed and within moments be dried by the wind. The splashing of the rapids can drown out my sobs... The river flowing by can soothe my aching heart and make me feel less abandoned and alone. At least for a moment. Nature does not feel burdened by sadness or exhausted by talk of death and illness. Nature does not seem to mind listening to my sorrow.

Dear nature, how i wish the blowing winds, the flowing river can reach inside of me and wash away this unbearable feeling of emptiness...

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