03 June 2012


Why do I put myself through this? There is no reason really. Why do you do anything? Why do you love someone or feel such an urge to see someone suddenly, even if it means waking up early and getting on a plane to go see him?

I know. Perhaps one day I'll regret it all. Perhaps I'm just under the spell of feelings and being manipulated into running back into his arms again. Perhaps my ex is stringing my heart and feelings and just trying to see where things are going before he breaks up his relationship. Perhaps I'm just too gullible to buy into his excuses and reasons...

But I just want so company, I just want some sense of familiarity and comfort. And more than anyone else in the world, he offers me that. He offers me that, and the possibility of a new start together... And that is worth going for, that is worth trying, is it not?

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