06 June 2012

Circus night

I saw the promotion yesterday and immediately had the urge to go. again, because of mum, as strange as it may sound. She and I went to Cirque du Soleil (Totem) around this time last year. I promised her to do that in Quebec, the home base of the amazing acrobatic troupe. And I lived up to that promise.

I called mum half way through the show and excitedly told her about where I was. "Oh, it's really cultured..." she said. I know she has fond memories of the show. The first time she saw it was with me in Taipei. The second time was with me, right here, right at the same location in Montreal, a year (or so) ago.

The show was spectacular, the performance elegant and performers beautiful. But my mind was filled with thoughts... Me flying, me waiting at te airport, the fear of not making it home on time, me at the hospital, mum sleeping and opening her eyes only briefly every few hours... So many thoughts and distractions...

After the show I saw several missed calls from brother. I called back.

"We're heading into the hospice ward now..." he said "There's a bed available."

My heart sank and felt so heavy. Earlier when I spoke to mum, she said she had troubled breathing and that her heartbeat was very weak. I told her to hang on. I told her that I'll be home Tuesday afternoon. She told me not to rush...

I hung up the phone. My friend was next to me. "It's not easy... You're so strong going through this. I can't imagine what you are feeling now..."

I cannot either.

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