04 January 2012

"Forget about him..."

"Forget about him", my friend urged me, "Just forget about him..." Why does he say that to me? Is it because I'm still falsely clinging onto the hope of my ex turning around and telling me he misses me so much he cannot live without me? Is it because I'm still living in the fantasy world of us being together after a period of separation?  I am ignoring his attempts to contact me. I just do not want to be hurt, do not want to be exposed to him any longer than necessary, at least for now. It is a sickening attitude, I know... But part of me feels such sense of injustice that I am here dealing with the life and death of my mum, while a few days just before I left he told me to go see other people, to stop waiting around. Because he's already moved on. He's already found what he is looking for... happiness. He told me he is happy, and that is enough. I cannot offer him that, I cannot stand in his way of his happiness.  I do not need him to have pity on me and call me and have heavy conversations and ruin his chance at happiness.  So the distance and time will tell, the distance and time will show us how far we drift apart, and whether there really is something so deep and fundamental there between us neither of us can live without. 

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