26 July 2011


Too gullible, my friend was basically telling me. Too gullible and easily swayed by flattery and a bit of soft words and touching, and my heart weakens. In the long run, do I benefit from it? It's a question that has been put back at me by various people, including myself.

More details were revealed today about events that took place in my absence here which made me realise once again I have my own happiness and well-being in my own hands. Confused as ever how I got myself into a relationship tangle, I am trying to dig my way out. Confused I am about how things suddenly just fell apart from one day to the next. What happened, really, what happened, I find myself asking. But there is no answer.

"Move on..."

"Keep your options open..."

"Play around..."

I have tried. And yet the heart and mind goes back to where it feels comfortable, where it finds security never before found.

Break free.

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