26 May 2011

thank you, dear friend

Night and day, you stalk my blog and pore over my words, feelings and thoughts...

You know when I am down, when I am crying, when I am afraid...
You know when I am up, when I am happy, when I am feeling brave and confident...

You know better than anyone else perhaps the details and little bits of my life that I hold so dear to heart...

I tell you you shouldn't be so worried or concerned about me, but you tell me you can't stop caring, or even loving...

So I want to say to you, as I have already said so many times before...

...for listening to me, for being 'there' for me even when I am not with you, for giving me comfort and making me feel like I am not alone, for letting me cry and unload when I need to...

...and for being a friend, and so much more to me.

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