02 February 2011


Inadvertently I came across this song. As the music played, as the voices sang, I began to cry...
Indeed, how I would like to call out dad's name again... how I see dad in the beautiful things and sceneries of this world... how I miss our conversations, just the two of us, sitting in the living room at night, slowly sipping tea...

Earlier, at dad's commemoration, I threw a package with dad's name on into a big cauldron of fire. The envelop, the letter, the photographs charred and crumbled into dark cindering waste as they were consumed by the violent flames.

I do hope dad will be able to receive my words, my longing, my prayers.

Jay Chou and Jung Hung

*Taiwanese for dad
(translation mine)

My dearest A-Ba,
I would like to call out your name again,
Sing the songs you wrote before,
Letting go of feelings, singing endlessly…
The A-ba I think of and miss the most,
It’s time for me to sing songs for you to listen
The sounds of the song is like a swallow,
Taking you back to me here.

What kind of paper should be used?
Slowly, slowly write,
So that you will know the things I have to say.
Do not, do not hurt,
Do not want, do not want to go,
Say you have left here…

We are growing up,
Protecting [our] home,
Protecting the silent and somber conversation under the warmth of candlelight,
Turn back to see,
A-Ba is like the mountain…]

My dearest dad,
You gave us a home,
[Let us] make a cup of tea named longing,
Lightly taste the heavy scent of care and concern.


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