30 January 2011

Day before the results

It was a happy day today, one day after the wedding. The bride and groom stayed at our family home for the 'first' time, and shared their 'wedding bed' (as mum commented sometime ago, for sure not for the first time...)

We went out for lunch at a shabu-shabu place nearby, and ate for almost three hours. We chatted, joked and exchanged stories from our travels, our lives, and genuinely had a joyous day together. A day filled with laughs, and just being in one another's presence, sharing the moments together.

Tomorrow, mum will finally receive the results of her recent MRI scan. It's taken almost three weeks to arrange for the scan, and to have the results, and there was a delay because mum decided to change doctors at the last moment last week. We'll find out what is wrong (or more positively, what is right...) with her, and should get an opinion of how to proceed with treatment.

I'm not sure how we will all feel, especially how mum will feel after the appointment. I've been dreading this day somewhat, and fearing the outcome. It has made me so scared at times, so very scared and frustrated I cannot begin to describe it to anyone. And I can only imagine, no I can only vaguely imagine, what mum must be feeling...

We've had our happy times, our happy moments together. Tomorrow we may be saddened and depressed. But at least we are together in this, in sadness and in happiness, in good health and in ill health.

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