22 June 2013




I had planned this long stopover in Los Angeles expecting to have time to get out and explore the city a bit. I booked a cheap motel and wanted to set my things down for a little bit before I went exploring. It was seven in the evening, over five hours after I landed, before I left the motel again... My flight is in three hours.

I simply could not pry myself out of bed. Just could not, despite having checked the bus schedule to go to nearby Santa Monica, the famed sea side town. I finally got up, and felt somewhat bad I wasted so many hours just sleeping... I stood there and wondered to myself what I Gould do. There was little I could do. I looked out at the pool and at the kids and families playing. Here I was in a motel in the middle of  sprawling rundown suburbia next to the airport. How depressing!

I could have been home in my own bed by now instead of spending over 80$ on a motel bed that made me itch! Well, the least I could do is say I have been to Inglewood, CA, where I slept for a few hours and ate bad Chinese food for dinner on a 10.5hr stopover!

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