15 January 2013



I suddenly received a call from a friend who I've not seen in months. Over the past year or so we've grown closer with our shared interest in biking, traveling and also the growing bond in both our attractions to Buddhism. We are both looking for similar things in life: companionship, love, and a career. We are lost and frustrated at times...

Today she called to tell me she found an ideal job in Europe. Her dream position at a famous law firm. I was happy for her, because I know how much she's been trying and waiting for something. Finally, hard work and patience paid off.

But at the same time, I felt a tinge of sadness. I've grown close to her, enjoyed our conversations and dinners together, enjoyed the company of someone who is in a similar situation, who lost a parent not long ago so knows what it feels like. I felt sad, because soon I will no longer be able to just call her up and go for a walk or bike ride together, or go for long talks over cups of hot tea...

I feel the missing already. Another friend moving on, moving away.
But it happens.
People come and go, even those you feel close too must one day leave.

Thank you for the wonderful moments and intimate personal talks we shared...
Thank you...

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