10 November 2011


Sleep was so horribly disturbed, and I could not pry myself out of bed until past eleven in the morning. It wasn't that I was tired physically. It was just mentally my mind was so restless throughout the night and early morning that my eyes refused to open and my body refused to get up...

A dream, I had. A nightmare in which I was speaking to mother on the phone. She sounded normal, but then at one point said something along the lines of "things are about to change" (coincidentally, much like the message of the previous post). Just as I was about to ask what was going to change, she told me.

"The doctor said I have to operate. Otherwise it'll be too late. The operation is tomorrow..."

I think I cried on the phone. Cried, as in cried out loud, or cried as in cried tears?

I don't remember. But I do remember my mind being so tormented and that my mind was rushing back to be with her. I do know that by the time I get back there, she will have been operated on... Will I even get a chance to see her again...?

The dream/nightmare was so horrible I 'shook' awake at close to five in the morning. I had to brace myself and shake my head to shake away the images and vivid conversation I had with mum. I went back to bed, and by the time I woke up next, it was already too late to call mum (in real life).

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