21 July 2011

summer storm

Sat on my balcony, and watched the dark clouds brighten and dim like an exciting fireworks display. A summer storm is expected, for it has been simmering, gathering, hoarding the rain and tensions and coolness in dense clouds that slowly, slowly approached the city. A release of all that pent up frustration, all that fury from the oppressive and unbearable heat will be a welcome change.

I began writing, and now I feel the soothing drops of rain splash on my feet, skin and face. The lightning came quietly, without the thunder, and finally, the heat is gradually dissipating as the rain cools the earth an the night. The rain is not as heavy as anticipated, the release perhaps not as orgasmic as imagined. Or, perhaps, the dripping wet rain is waiting for its passion to brew and ripen?

After the wet release, there follows a gentle calm, a clean fresh start from the delirious heat of day.

I hope to sleep better tonight...

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